Online system for seafarers: Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction

This Agreement is made between “The Maritime Registrar / Agent” hereafter known as the “MR" andThe Maritime Authorityhereafter known as the “Flag” on the utilisation of the Flag’s web base system for the electronic submission of seafarers’ documentation. For the purpose of this Agreement, the MR is the entity duly authorised by the Registered Owner of a flag registered vessel.

The system enables the MR to submit seafarers’ applications online and have them processed automatically. The main objective of this web-based system is to facilitate the needs of Flag clients by maximizing efficiency and reducing cost relating to seafarers application

2. Communication

2.1 All communications arising from this Agreement shall be made to:
For the MR:
As specified in the online agent’s profile.

For the Flag:
The Maritime Authority of St Kitts and Nevis
Contact: Seafarers Department
Telephone: +44 (0)1708 380400

2.2 Both parties agree to advise of any changes to the above details as soon as reasonably possible.

3. General Conditions

3.1 The MR:

.1 accepts its responsibility, in accordance with International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watching for Seafarers 1978, as amended (STCW) Regulation I/14,

.2 confirms that all applicants satisfy the applicable STCW and International Labour Organisation Maritime Labour Convention age and medical requirements,

.3 agrees that for all application, the appropriate certificates and supporting documentation of the applicants to the best of their knowledge are true and accurate,

.4 confirms that for applications for Officers or Rating certification, the national certificate(s) has been issued by a flag recognised STCW Party State or an Administration/Institution approved by a flag recognised STCW Party State,

.5 agrees to provide a list of all persons that will have access to the system and to advise the Flag of any changes thereafter,

.6 agrees that unauthorised use/access of this system is to be given to any other person/s unless the Flag is notified,

In order to facilitate the issuance of the seafarers’ documents. Only Companies in good standing will be issued with an automatic Certificate of Processing of an Endorsement (CPE).

3.2 The Flag:

.1 agrees that any user passwords will be given in the strictest confidence and shall remain confidential throughout use,

.2 agrees to securely maintain all data provided by the MR and ensure that such information remains confidential and are not passed on a third parties,

.3 will notify the MR of any failure of the system and provide any applicable support,

.4 will provide the MR with a user manual in order to ensure the effective use of the system,

.5 will provide guidance on any national requirements relating to seafarers documentation and will update these guidance as and when applicable.

4. Supervision

4.1 Any misuse of this web system will result in the revocation of the MR’s access to the system.

4.2 The Flag must be satisfied that the system is used in accordance with the provisions set out in paragraph 3 at all times.
